Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
‘I Stand With Dr Sucharit Bhakdi’
By Margaret Anna Alice Voice Your Support for Sucharit Bhakdi Before His May 23, 2023, Trial “Where there’s no danger, there’s no courage.… Anyone can ‘endure’ security and well-being. The real challenges—the ones that force our endurance to grow from mere perseverance into true courage—arise in the face of hazard. “So it is with moral…
‘Professor Bhakdi Did Not Do Anything Wrong’ – Open Letter from Holocaust Survivors
We for Humanity – a group of Holocaust survivors and descendents – write: We set the record straight: media abuse Holocaust to enable new Holocaust. Of all things, the “fight against Antisemitism” ensures that people behave as they did back then. The unfounded accusation was also abused to silence Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. We are standing…
Suddenly Changed? Personality-Changes After MRNA-Injection
In the first session Prof. Dr. med. Sucharit Bhakdi and his wife Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss reported about new findings concerning the effects of the mRNA-vaccine technologies, which are according to the other sides plan – Mister Global´s plan – supposed to be used for all so-called vaccines, including for example: measles, the flu, etc.…
How Many More Vax Injured/Deaths Does it Need for Everyone to Wake Up?
Check out our latest book exposing the great lies: Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil Flight attendant dies of a heart attack while in the air: Gulf Air jet makes emergency landing while en route from Bahrain to Paris Air steward Yasser Saleh Al Yazidi was taken ill on a Gulf Air flight last week.…
Proof that mRNA Vaccines Cause Vascular and Organ Damage
A recent study claims to have found “irrefutable proof of causality” that the mRNA vaccines cause vascular and organ damage. The study, conducted by microbiologists Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, was mostly based on the findings of German pathologists Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Dr. Walter Lang. Here is a summary of the findings:…
Interdisciplinary Symposium IV – Freedom Is the Cure
Watch LIVE from 3.30pm (British time) Organized by Doctors For Covid Ethics Hosted by UK Column Livestream: 11th June 2022 15:30 – 22:30 (BST)/16:30 – 23:30 (CEST)/10:30 – 17:30 (ET) Topic: Freedom is the cure. Unpacking and defeating the medical tactics of world takeover. On June 11th 2022, Doctors for Covid Ethics will hold their…
Scientific Evidence That Calls for an Immediate Stop of the Covid-19 Vaccines
This text is a written summary of Dr. Bhakdi’s and Dr. Burkhardt’s presentations at the Doctors for Covid Ethics symposium that was live-streamed by UK Column on December 10th, 2021. The two presentations can be viewed at the very beginning of the video recording of the symposium. The authors Dr. Bhakdi has spent his life…
Watch Doctors for Covid Ethics Symposium 2
Livestreamed on 10 December from 6pm-10pm GMT (19.00-23.00 CET). Gold Standard Covid Science in Practice An Interdisciplinary Symposium II – Sounding the Call Presented by Doctors for Covid Ethics – doctors4covidethics.org Hosted by UK Column – ukcolumn.org Experts in science, medicine, finance, media, and the law speak as they should – freely and honestly. Programme…