Tony Blair Excited about ‘Technology Revolution that Is Going to Change Everything!’
“This revolution is going to change everything about our society” Labour has only been in power a week and already lots of noise from Tony Blair about digitisation. (Together/YT) TESLA Model 3 and Your Health – EMF Radiation Review After experiencing and reading complaints of headaches on the forums, it’s time to check how much…
I Prefer to Stay in my Cabin in the Woods, Away From all the Electromagnetic Frequencies
By Ray Wilson Echoes of a Laundromat It is getting late, and we are on the run-down edge of town, where broken streetlights flicker and the paint on the buildings looks lacklustre, peeling away in long, mournful strips. “What do you think happened—to Frohike, I mean?” I ask the missus. “I don’t know—maybe he got…
5G Masts Are Exposing Us to Unknown Health Implications
5G FURORE – Fact vs Fiction with Ian Jarvis (Colchester Council Watch/YT): Ian Jarvis 5G info page Study Shows Wireless Signals Could Trigger ‘Kill Switch’ in Human Body With the Installation of 5G, the Government Is Exposing People to Risk of Harm to Life If We Stop 5G We’ll Stop Transhumanism – 5G Radiation Poisoning…
Keep Your Landline Telephones
Telecom companies are planning to pull the plug on essential landlines, aiming to phase them out by 2025 British Telecom companies are planning to pull the plug on essential landlines in favour of less-regulated, less reliable,less secure and more expensive wireless phones or Voice-Over-Internet-Protocol (VOIP). They lack a sensible plan to keep people safely and…
Your Mobile – or a Footsoldier of Big Pharma?
By Cherry Hughes So that small device you are clutching in your hand seems to be fairly innocent right? Wrong. As David Icke has described, trans-humanism is the relentless plan to render us all devoid of the ability to think and decide for ourselves, and the plan was always to get us there by ensuring…
If We Stop 5G We’ll Stop Transhumanism – 5G Radiation Poisoning
5G Radiation injures 250K Telecom Workers a year as residents are warned to stay away (Puretrauma357/Bitchute): Full steam ahead for 5G – and let’s not even think about the damage to health On December 13, Michael Mansfield QC will lead a case at the Royal Courts of Justice in London against the Government concerning the…
People Suffering From Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Field Immersion
By Paul Ursell To live your life is not so simple as to cross a field -Russian Proverb I just heard from my friend, I was worried about. She is electro-sensitive and can’t be anywhere near a mobile phone or Wi-Fi hub without excruciating pain, risk of stroke, risk of heart failure or risk of…
Template Letter: Request for Smart Meter Removal
A reader writes: The template letter worked for me. I got SSE to remove 2 smart meters within 10 days by using this template. Regards, G You can also downlowd the template letter here: Smart-meter-removal-letter Dear [name], CC: For the attention of the Chief Executive and other Board Directors. NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT FOR…