
  • After the long wait – Feedback on The Green Cheat?

    Got the green cheat today. Brilliant and well worth waiting for. (J M) Our latest book, The Green Cheat, has finally been delivered (international orders will take a little longer) to everyone who has ordered it. In case you’re a fast reader, you might have finished it already. Did you like the book? Which chapter(s)…

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  • A Meticulous Testimony: White Rose Book ‘Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil’

    What readers say… “Just a few lines to say how much we appreciated ‘Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil’… The book provides: (1) a concise delineation and indictment, all in one place, of the aims of those orchestrating the pandemic. (2) the detailed agenda which was followed to achieve their aims. (3) the deceit involved.…

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  • Have You Read this Book?

    “Love the book… I hope people read it, share the information and get others to read it and ask questions… the book is a winner!” (R MI) “… I simply can’t put it down. It’s packed with evidence. The covid pandemic was planned, and I recommend this book to everyone.” (JM) Hope Amidst a Tsunami…

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  • New White Rose Book – Packed With Evidence

    “Love the book… I hope people read it, share the information and get others to read it and ask questions… the book is a winner!” (R MI) “… I simply can’t put it down. It’s packed with evidence. The covid pandemic was planned, and I recommend this book to everyone.” (JM) Hope Amidst a Tsunami…

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