
London: Criminal Investigation Against Covid Vaccine Enforcement

Former police officer Mark Sexton has submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, where two detectives accepted and signed the paperwork. He has also invited BBC and Sky to report the ‘biggest story in the last 100 years’. The crime reference number is 6029679/21 Facebook group A Greater Britain posted the following

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New White Rose UK Leaflet!

Please Read, print and distribute our latest leaflet: End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide Now! End the Covid Fraud and Global Genocide Now! x2 Hand out the leaflets to people on the streets (during protests), put it through their doors or leave in public places (shops, public transport, churches etc.) View previous White Rose

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Covid Jab: What Is Informed Consent? A Checklist from the Freedom Alliance – Please Share!

Written by Adrian John Oliver, Freedom Alliance The Government, NHS and media companies have been programming the UK public with propaganda that vaccines are safe and effecitve while censoring and suppressing news of vaccine deaths and injuries and alternative treatments and the true nature and scale of the viral threat. However, by law, clinicians administering

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A Short Summary About the Covid Fraud – Watch

Here are two short videos expresing the worldwide fraud each in two minutes. The first one reports about the deaths listed as covid deaths, although, over 90% of them were not due to covid. The second video reports about the way we are being coerced to subscribe to a vaccination that nobody needs.

The Covid Death Scam

For months, experts from all around the world have remarked that people who have died from various illnesses have been recorded as covid deaths. This scam has been going on for a year. Now the Daily Mail has reported about such cases: Grieving families last night said deaths had been wrongly certified as Covid-19. Demanding

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