GB News

  • We Need a New Healthcare Service

    By Michael T Arnot We need a new NHS—I will for the moment call such the ‘People’s Healthcare Provision’ (PHP) until a better title is devised. We need this because it is getting ever harder and more impossible to actually get to see one’s own doctor. And so my proposal is this: We need to…

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  • Your Government Is Trying to Kill You

    Exclusive Investigation of confidential Pfizer documents finds covid vaccination is going to cause mass depopulation Covid-19 vaccination is going to lead to mass depopulation. This is a pretty bold claim to make. ‘Your Government is trying to kill you’ is even bolder. But unfortunately, these bold claims are now backed up with a mountain of…

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  • The Vaccines ARE Effective, Only In a Negative Way

    Since the COVID Vaccine roll-out, all sorts of diseases have started to reappear. Why? Because the COVID Vaccines cause AIDS. It feels like we can’t go a single week without hearing about the re-emergence, or emergence of a disease or ailment at the moment. We’ve had a mysterious outbreak of hepatitis among children, an alleged…

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  • First Compensation Payment for Vax Victim – But Where Is the Money From?

    A reader writes: It was wonderful to hear announced on TV [see video from GBNews below] last evening—Monday 20th June—that at long last after more than a year’s campaigning, the British Government has accepted liability and acknowledged that the first of over 2000 people suffering bereavement as a direct result of the vaccination and registered…

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  • Scottish MP Calls Vaccines ‘Extremely Safe’ After Over 2100 Reported Deaths in the UK

    John Mason MSP mocks people for asking questions about vaccine injuries (Mark Stey/GB News/YT): Here is an email reply from John Mason MSP to a reader: Thanks, Roy, for your email. I am happy to make a few comments: If someone has been injured for any reason, then I have every sympathy with them. The…

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  • W.H.O Are They? The Pandemic Treaty Power Grab

    This pandemic treaty is the greatest power grab any of us has seen in our lifetime, says Neil Oliver (GBNews/YT): See also: WHO Pandemic Treaty – Another Step Towards a One World Order Tyranny The War on Freedom – Amendments to the International Health Regulations The Liars Are Still at Work Dr Lawrie: ‘Bill Gates…

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  • ‘So Many People Don’t Report It, or Don’t Know How To’

    BBC Radio Presenter, Jules Serkin, discusses how she was impacted by the covid vaccine and how others can report the effects of their jab. Jules has suffered side effects since receiving her jab. (GBNews/YT) The screenshots below are of comments found on Facebook next to the (same) video. Practically every comment confirms that the covid…

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  • The Vax Scandal

    Not a single injured person has received payment from the recompensation scheme. Vikki Spit is Lord Zion’s widow. He died two weeks after receiving the covid vaccine. A year after his death, her post on Twitter commemorating his death is censored. Mark Steyn: “It’s not enough to lose your husband because of the vaccine, you…

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  • Covid ‘Vaccines’ Continue to Kill People

    On the UK Column website you can find an integrated Yellow Card analysis interactive chart. The data originate from the Government’s own reporting system of the MHRA. The chart shows the number of reported adverse reactions and fatalities following a covid injection. In the drop-down, you can select or enter a specific illness and product…

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