Great Reopening

20 March – World Wide Protest

There will be a worldwide protest against lockdowns and restrictions, taking place on 20 March 2021. This protest will be organized and supported by several organizations. Please contact us, if you can provide further details. On this date there will be another Great Re-Opening, so don’t forget to visit small and medium businesses. If you

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Update On the Great Re-Opening UK

Here is an update from the organisers of the Great Reopening. Businesses like yours are opening up all around the UK and reclaiming their right to work. Join them! We need to get our country open again. Let’s do this!   Check out the website: The Great Reopening They have a variety of information

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Videos from the Great Reopening

Watch these brave citizens peacefully and cleverly defending our freedom, our rights, small and medium businesses!Well done to all these freedom warriors, and stay strong! Credits: THEGREATOPENING on YouTube.