H. G. Wells
The Art of Manufacturing Fear
The fear and panic produced by The War of the Worlds radio broadcast in 1938 paved the way for media and government predictive programming of an imminent cyberattack. The HighWire takes a deep dive through this historical timeline. (The Highwire with Del Bigtree/Bitchute) Fear Operations Govt Behavioural (Psy-Op) Learnings from the Armageddon Alert How Ministers…
Fear Operations
Watch this: Dr Fauci confronted by angry neighborhood resident (Dr. Suneel Dhand/YT): Ultra Fear Operation: Are we really to believe that UFOs are coming to destroy the world, or is it more fearmongering from the deep state? (Richard Vobes/YT) Richard Vobes reads from The War of the Worlds and shows how the government (politician puppets)…