Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil
Paperback: Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil
Exposing the Great Lies—Packed with evidence, facts, essays, testimonies, letters, and reflections Who would have thought at the beginning of 2020 that ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ would become more than two years—destroying both the economy and people’s health? A group of billionaires, in cooperation with their globalist puppets and the mainstream media, planned…
Books for Christmas
The first book we recommend to gift to others is The Green Cheat. It’s a summary of everything you need to know about why the climate change narrative is unscientific, propagandistic and simply fraudulent. This top-quality, bound hardback with ribbon bookmark makes the perfect Christmas present. Also available at Waterstones (please ask in shop to…
Check out these Books for Your Summer Break
The White Rose UK has been publishing books related to freedom and society since 2020 – and there’s more to come! Here is a chronological list of our published titles. Our latest book is going to be released in October 2024. As an addition, we also offer our readers various traditional fairy tale collections from…
Republished: Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil, Exposing the Great Lies
>>>NEW: Republished by small independent publisher!<<< Everything you need to know about the events of 2020 and the consequences in this book: Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil Packed with evidence, facts, essays, testimonies, letters, and reflections Who would have thought at the beginning of 2020 that ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ would become…
Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil
We are transferring our books to a local printer. This will take some time, as it involves quite a bit of work. However, you can pre-order this book, which is going to be the next in the row of new printed books following How to Avoid Digital Slavery. Book details: Paperback, 250 pages, dimensions: 13.97…
Books for Christmas
Support our work by purchasing White Rose UK books offered here. We especially recommend these books for gifting: The Big Bad Wolf and the Syringe (newly edited) Fairy tale books (British Isles – England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Man) How to Avoid Digital Slavery (2023) Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil (2022) Christmas Tales—Enchanting…
Help Us Stop Evil Agendas
When we created this website in November 2020, our intention was to have a place on the web where people could find a source for our leaflets and some information that was different from the covid propaganda. This was during the lockdowns with restrictions that turned normal life upside down. During that time we imagined…
Recommended Books
Suppport our work by purchasing any of the following books. Many thanks! If you would like to donate, please click here. The Big Bad Wolf and the Syringe When Henflu breaks out in Henton, Sly Fox and Big Bad Wolf come to the rescue… but can the hens of Henton trust the wolf’s ‘miracle cure’?…
Depopulation Via Covid ‘Vaccines’
If we told you 20 million people had died across just the ‘Five Eyes’ and 26 countries across Europe over the past two years resulting in the most excess deaths seen in half a decade wouldn’t you at least be a little bit curious to find out why? You might be quick to blame Covid-19,…