
  • My Journey To Anti-Vax

    By Cherry Hughes After a long career in the NHS, and now working outside of it, I have come to the conclusion that our NHS, is not fit for purpose. I know this has been stated before, but I would go further than that to state that it is, in many ways detrimental to our…

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  • The Silencing of Doctors Who Want to Speak Out About the Covid Vaccines – Dr Paul Marik

    Dr Steve Kirsch: “My friends who believe the vaccines are safe have told me they would reconsider their position if any of their doctors came out against the vaccine. I told them that doctors are afraid to speak out because they will lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative. They…

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  • A Sad Excursion

    By Cherry Hughs Covid-19, oh how I am sick of that phrase. This sheep in wolves clothing has been given license to destroy lives all over the world. For me it has trashed and stolen my career, helped me to finally distrust and disengage from the institutions that I once (stupidly) trusted, but more than…

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  • The Person Most Likely to Kill You is Your Doctor

    By Dr Vernon Coleman Watching the medical establishment lie, deceive and exhibit Olympian quality incompetence has been quite a shock for many during the last two years. Doctors have helped sustain the biggest medical fraud in history; smiling away as they jabbed and pocketed the cash. But no one should have been shocked. Members of…

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  • Hospitals Are Covering Up Baby Deaths By Cremating Babies Themselves – Interview John O’Looney

    From the interview: ‘They wanted me dead of “covid” but I didn’t sign the waiver….’ John O’Looney is a brave Funeral Home whistleblower who has been raising the alarm since early on in the pandemic. He joined us to discuss the findings from his embalmer which are in line with what Dr. Jane Ruby, Richard…

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  • Hospitals Paid to Kill

    Dr. Russell Blaylock: “If you’ve ever seen anybody in respiratory distress, they’re in [a] severe panic, but these people were just calm, [speaking in] complete sentences, and they just said, ‘I’m short of breath.’ And so they would give them a drug, paralyze them, and put them on a respirator, and a high percentage, in…

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  • The Death of Health Care in Britain

    By Dr Vernon Coleman An old man in hospital had received no nursing care for a week. He wasn’t fed for three days. He asked a nurse if he could be bathed. She brought him a damp paper towel and told him to do it himself. A 92-year-old former ward sister was told that she…

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  • Most of the 40,000 Care Home Residents Who Died Were ‘Euthanised’

    A letter by Douglas Brodie to his MP Douglas Ross How the government abuses the general public – follow up (see also media at bottom of page) Dear Mr Ross, Thank you for your brief acknowledgment of my recent email on the tyranny the UK government is inflicting on the general public and the fearmongering…

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  • Thank You NHS?

    When the clapping started two years ago, at the beginning of the manufactured pandemic, sceptics knew something was fishy. By then, with a little research, we had found out that covid-19 was no greater threat than the common flu. If there was nothing to be afraid of then why did this soviet-style clapping take place?…

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  • The British Government Is Now Officially Hiding Covid Vaccine Data

    By Alex Berenson Until last week, the British government offered the best source of raw data on the efficacy of the covid vaccines. Each Thursday, the UK Health Security Agency reported the number of new infections, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccine status. Since last fall, and especially since the Omicron variant hit, the reports have…

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