
Childhood vaccines: The more they had the worse their health

Every ‘vaccine’ causes disease… They should all be banned. (NIGHTBREED/Bitchute) Please Stop Vaccinating Your Children! Vaccinated Children Have Far More Medical Conditions Than Unvaccinated Children Whistleblower Doctor: How We Get Paid Incentive Bonuses to Vaccinate Your Children Vaccinated Children vs Unvaccinated Children – Dr Paul Thomas Parents Lose Control Over their Children’s Prescriptions Death Rates

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Please Stop Vaccinating Your Children!

Infants Who Receive Multiple Vaccines at Once at ‘Exponentially’ Greater Risk of Disease, Developmental Delays The more vaccines an infant receives at once, the greater the chance the infant will develop an infection, a respiratory illness or developmental delays following their shots, according to a peer-reviewed study published Wednesday in the International Journal of Vaccine

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The True Origins of Lyme Disease

In the late 1960’s, government bioweapons labs started injecting ticks with exotic diseases. Soon, people nearby began to get those diseases. Now, tick-borne Lyme is endemic. Naturally the government has admitted nothing. (Tucker Carlson/YT): Jailed for Praying In front of Abortion Clinic ‘People Should Be Preparing, This Is So Serious’ Tucker Carlson Fired for Exposing

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Are Viruses Real?

By Michael McKay Even though I’m usually quite open to new ideas, when I first heard someone say that “viruses aren’t real” I just dismissed it as pure craziness. In fact it made me angry. I thought, don’t these people know we in the health freedom movement want to be taken seriously? I was already

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