
  • Four Messages for Christmas

    Never forget, what Christmas is all about: Support our work as we continue to defend freedom and humanity: Seeking the truth? Don’t trust mainstream media or the government: Click on the snowy image to read Chesterton’s poem ‘The Wise Men’: Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!    

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  • Competition: Draw Underground Granny and her grandson

    Are you a skilled artist, do you have an underlying talent for drawing, or are you inexperienced but willing to give it a go? Liz and Jack We are looking for fun/inspirational/lovely/amazing illustrations of legendary Granny Liz and her grandson Jack, of the Underground Granny instalments, published in Freedom magazines 1–7. You can use the…

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  • In humour there is truth

    Author George Saunders once said: “Humor is what happens when we’re told the truth quicker and more directly than we’re used to.” Cartoonist Anne Gibbons has a rare knack for doing just that. When our book What the Nurses Saw came out we received a huge boost when Anne chose it as the subject for…

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