At Least 1,672 Murdered by Covid ‘Vaccine’ in the UK
UK Column has integrated a Yellow Card analysis overview interactive chart on its website. It shows the number of reported adverse reactions and fatalities following the covid injection. In the drop-down, you can select or enter a specific illness and product to get accurate data. These reports show only 1-10% of all adverse reactions in…
Indian Lawyers Issue Legal Notice Against WHO
Advocate Dipali Ojha, lead attorney for the Indian Bar Association, threatened criminal prosecution against Dr. Swaminathan “for each death” caused by her acts of commission and omission. The brief accused Swaminathan of misconduct by using her position as a health authority to further the agenda of special interests to maintain an EUA for the lucrative…
What to Do if Already Vaccinated?
Here is a list of suggestions that could help against adverse reactions after a covid injection. The White Rose UK takes no responsibility for the reliability or effectiveness of any of the recommended remedies. If in doubt, please speak to a doctor you trust. Read the instructions in the packaging of the medicine. Contact a…
Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine – Suppressed Medicine Due To Covid Vaccine Investment
Also read: New Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Boosts Covid Survival By 200% https://richieallen.co.uk/new-study-shows-hydroxychloroquine-boosts-covid-survival-by-200/ Visit the Bird-Group for more details on Ivermectin: https://bird-group.org/