Klaus Schwab

  • Klaus Schwab to Step Down as Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum

    Klaus Schwab will reportedly step down as the executive chairman of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF). According to Semafor, which cites an internal email to WEF staff, Schwab intends to step down from his current position as head of the powerful globalist organization before its next annual meeting in 2025 and transition to a…

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  • What Would the World Look Like If They Win?

    A book review of ‘The Mirror’ by Tim Bragg (Sycamore Dystopia) By Wayne Sturgeon Tim Bragg is an engaging writer, novelist, poet and multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriter and musician with an impressive bibliography of both fiction and non-fiction works and recorded albums to his credit, the very latest being the cyber gothic slow burner and critically important…

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  • ‘The Dystopian World of Slavery and Death That the Globalist Delirium Wants to Build Can Be Avoided’ – Archbishop Viganò

    By Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop Dear Friends, Allow me first of all to thank Dr. Francesco Toscano for the invitation to speak at this National Congress with a brief reflection, which I hope will help to direct your action to the service of the common good. We are now facing an epochal threat, in the…

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  • Pope Francis Is Wrong To Support the WEF

    By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò In Davos the masters and servants of the globalist elite gather: characters who openly declare that they want to reduce the world’s population through wars, famines and organized pestilence; characters who use the complicity of our rulers, international institutions, and especially high finance and media, which are totally in their…

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  • He Wants Your Trust Back

    https://youtu.be/npxoNzW6_2Q?feature=shared Klaus Schwab attempts to gain trust back. Was there ever a reason to trust him? Not really, thinking of microchips for the brain, you will own nothing and be happy and bugs for your meal… A take on by comedian Carl Vernon. (Carl Vernon/YT) The Twelve DOSES of Christmas Can’t Pay, Won’t Pay The…

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  • The Next Global Lockdown Will Be the Lockdown of All Lockdowns

    The next round of lockdowns to be overseen by the WHO will be much worse than the covid lockdowns. WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus will be able to wield unrestrained authoritarian tyranny on everyone all around the globe, forcing people to stay inside and “stay safe” indefinitely. With the help of artificial intelligence (AI), the…

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  • Own Nothing and Be Happy – Klaus Schwab Parody

    World Economic Forum founder and cheap knockoff Bond villain Klaus Schwab has suggested that in the Brave New Future no one (well, no one unimportant anyway) will own anything and this freedom from possessions will bring us all joy. And what better way to celebrate our collective ownership-free future than with a song? Parody courtesy…

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  • 15-Minute Surveilled Ghettos Sold As ‘Neighbourhood Projects’

    15-minute cities are ghettos that will control people and restrict their freedom of movement. They are part of the ‘great reset’ and Agenda 2030, issued by Klaus Schwab and others from the World Economic Forum. However, those who want us to ‘own nothing and be happy‘, or in other words, who want us to be…

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  • Global Population Reduced by One Billion Since 2021 – Media Blackout

    A disturbing new analysis has revealed that the globalist elite have already murdered one billion people in cold blood since the Covid plandemic was unleashed on an unsuspecting world in January 2020. For years now the globalist elite have been telling us about their plans to depopulate the Earth from 8 billion people to just…

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  • Professor Exposes Occult Roots of the World Economic Forum

    Pagan practices, idolatry, and occult beliefs have officially been exposed as the New World Religion pushed by the godless elites of the World Economic Forum—including Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Maurice Strong, and other anti-life Deep State actors. Now, LifeSiteNews expert global analyst Frank Wright and political strategist Dr. Mikko Paunio sound the alarm on…

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