
  • Do Not Fall For the Mask Charade

    On the December 29th 2022, both Kettering and Northampton General Hospitals announced that they would – once again – be asking all patients and visitors to wear a mask “due to a significant increase in Covid, flu, RSV and norovirus infections”. Despite the generalised wearing of face coverings being ineffectual in reducing viral spread, and…

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  • Mask Scam Resurfacing

    Those driving the fake pandemic and the Agenda 2030 are trying to scare people into wearing useless, dumb masks again, to make us look and behave like muzzled slaves. This time there will be far less compliance – hopefully. Someone has even launched a petition to make the masks mandatory on public transport. Fear and…

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  • Why Are People Scared to Go Against the Narrative?

    A reader writes: I have previously posted regarding difficulties obtaining a covid exemption pass, eventually I got one from my doctors due to extreme distress and anxiety surrounding any covid protocols. I have also previously posted regarding Apple and their illegal store mask policy. I am currently taking Apple to court under the Equalities Act…

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  • Schools Are Indoctrination – Four Year Old Removed by Police for Not Wearing Mask

    In a series of articles we will demonstrate why it may be time to remove your child from public school. The following video demonstrates how stupid or evil or both schools have become. A four-year-old boy was removed from school by the police for not wearing a mask. (Find out why wearing a mask is…

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  • Nothing’s Happening by Accident

    Transcript: It’s July 2022 and this is video number 314. All around the world, governments are crumbling. The only certainty is that the lies will be followed by more lies. Johnson has gone, drowned in a cess pit of his own design. Assassination in Japan. Sri Lanka’s Presidential palace burning. Biden, Macron, Trudeau et al…

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  • Farce Mask – Almost 20 Years Ago They Knew that Masks Are Useless

    The following article was published 19 years ago in the Sydney Morning Herald (emphasis by the White Rose UK). They knew that masks are useless, and even threatened with fines for companies profiting from selling them. These are the same masks  that they’ve been forcing people to wear between 2020 and 2022, and that do…

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  • NHS Doctor Speaking Out About Mask Terror and Vaccine Injury Says: Keep Telling the Truth!

    UK doctor has been shunned by colleagues, put on ‘garden leave,’ censured and banned from organisations, media after speaking out about the horrors he is witnessing within the National Health Service (NHS) and the rise in vaccine injuries. (chinlee/Rumble) This doctor encourages others to continue to speak out and tell the truth despite censorship and…

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  • Ready for the Big Kill

    Transcript: It’s July 2022 and this is video 313. There are some who believe that the threat from covid is over. Time to relax. Wait, perhaps, for the other shoe to drop. But I’m afraid that sort of complacency is dangerous. I warned over six months ago that they hadn’t finished with the toxic jab,…

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