White Rose Family
The White Rose UK is a group made up of people from all over the UK and in fact, all around the world. We are like one big family that loves freedom and truth. During the con-vid era, we sacrificed our jobs, our incomes, our education and often our friendships, or at least put them…
How Can You Support Our Work?
We fully rely on the support of great people like you, in order to continue our work. How can you help? Become a White Rose Family member – you can also join if you have already subscribed to the magazine and you’d like to switch – drop us a line (use the newsletter email). Donate…
Petition: End the UK’s Membership of the World Health Organization
The World Health Organisation is not a democratically elected body and we are concerned about the powers WHO may be given over Sovereign Nations in the future. We think that ending the UK’s membership of the World Health Organisation is important for the sovereign governance of our country. Sign the petition here See also: Save…
Andrew Bridgen MP – The Political Fight for Justice
In this eagerly anticipated interview with Andrew Bridgen MP, we explore the harms associated with the Covid-19 vaccine, critically examine the overall policy response to Covid and discuss what steps can be taken in the quest for justice. (Dan Astin-Gregory/YT) See also: Stop the Death Jab Andrew Bridgen MP: ‘They All Know It’s A Massive…