The Collaborators Will Kill Us All
By Dr Vernon Coleman Transcript: The war we are fighting has already left nations financially ruined. Millions of kind and gentle people feel defeated and are spiritually lost. It is easy to feel despairing and to lose hope. In every country in the world between a quarter and a half of the population are clinically…
We Are Approaching a Critical Turning Point in Modern Human History and the Outlook Is Very Unclear
By Doug Brodie My heretical epitaph Introduction With my 80th birthday looming and in revulsion at the concerted, multi-pronged political attacks assailing us (set out below), the unusual purpose of this post is to present a draft of my own epitaph. I’ve done this now while I’m still up-to-date for the benefit of the many…
The 10 Biggest and Most Dangerous Lies
By Vernon Coleman Transcript from the video: It is August 2023 and this is video number 328. It has been clear since the start of this fraud, particularly since the point when the conspirators got really serious and began to deceive and to oppress in great earnest, that everything that is happening is connected. As…
Baby ‘Factory’ in Ukraine?
“These are Baby factories” Ukraine baby bunker exposed! Redacted News: While we are focused on the war, are there other nefarious things happening in Ukraine? Recent reports have emerged from Ukraine over the past few weeks of women kept in under ground bunkers by companies making billions off the of baby farming industry. What is…
Insane Is Now the New Normal
By Dr Vernon Coleman The UK is now sending long range missiles to Ukraine. And the UK is sending troops too. This takes us one big step closer to nuclear war. And, not to be outdone, the US is providing Ukraine with missiles and intelligence from Airborne Warning and Control systems (AWAC) patrols. This leaves…
Archbishop Viganò: The Globalist New World Order Has the Marks of the ‘Antichurch of Satan’
The State Religion Some observations on the globalist cult It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hand or forehead. No one could buy or sell except for those who had the stamped image, that is, the name of the beast or…
Everything They’ve Told You About Ukraine Is a Lie
By Dr Vernon Coleman It is the 9th of February 2023 and this is my 321st video since the fake pandemic, the covid fraud and the designer war started and began us on our long journey into the new abnormal and the Great Reset. This is, I believe, the most important video you will ever…
Director of Payment Systems at Bank of Finland Warns People to Keep Cash in Case of System Outages
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson, Alex Thomson and Mark Anderson with Monday’s UK Column News. Topics in this video: Finance 00:28 Jeremy Hunt becomes Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) and bails out markets 07:54 Director of Payment Systems at Bank of Finland warns people to keep cash in case of system outages 10:00 Tesco supermarkets…
UK Army Under Control of the EU
The mainstream media reported last Friday that “the UK has received the green light to move troops swiftly through Europe”. EU officials have now “unanimously approved the British Army’s application to a Dutch-led initiative that already permits the same for other NATO nations. PESCO involvement will allow the UK to expedite armed forces delivery, but…