NTI Paper
Monkeypox Mythology
Monkeypox – who could have seen it coming? Our Virus Mania team has been warning about false pandemics for decades. However, I didn’t think they’d try something this extreme. Is monkeypox actually something you need to worry about or are they repackaging existing diseases through another fraudulent PCR? (Dr Sam Bailey/Odysee) See also: NTI Paper…
Monkeypox – Should it Be Spelt Moneypox?
By Dr Vernon Coleman A lot of nonsense is being talked about monkeypox which is the hypochondriac’s disease of the moment – even more popular than ‘long covid’. Given the amount of money that the drug companies seem likely to make from it, the disease should be renamed moneypox. Humans who catch the disease have,…
Monkey Pox Was Featured in Biosecurity Simulation a Year Prior
Once again, the (corrupted) mainstream media is ramping up fear by reporting simultaneously about a global outbreak of Monkeypox. And that just one year after an international biosecurity conference in Munich held a simulation of a “global pandemic involving an unusual strain of Monkeypox”, to begin in mid-May 2022. Coincidence? It is not the first…