Ex Police Officer Mark Sexton: “PCR Test is Deliberately Contaminated”
Following Mark Sexton’s appeal a reader has sent a letter to Greewich Council and the police with the evidence: I would be grateful to you for placing the attached document with the Council Leader and Director of Public Health. It indicates serious problems with the PCR and LF tests being promoted by the Council. See…
Shocking News Regarding PCR Test
Dr Vernon Coleman recites what the UK Government has published on their website. They are showing the unreliability of the PCR test – something what Coleman and colleagues have been done for months. Dr Vernon Coleman has now also a new website with a clear arranged collection of videos, articles and books. You will also…
The PCR Test Can Kill You and Can Be Used to Vaccinate You
Dr Vernon Coleman explains how and why the PCR test kills and how it can be used to deliver a vaccine to those who have declined vaccinations. Is this happening already? For more unbiased news about other important matters, please visit https://vernoncoleman.com
European Court Rules PCR Tests Unreliable
So, now it has been taken to court – what else does it need to prove that the tests are unreliable (and besides that, unnecessary)? A Portuguese Court of Appeal has made a judgement in relation to a detention case. In it the Court analysed how reliable the PCR Test is and concluded that if…