Worldwide Prayer Initiative
A prayer initiative called Public Rosary invites everyone to pray the Rosary in public, to implore the Mother of Christ to consecrate countries and ask for her intercession. Prayer intentions include help for all citizens, peace and unity, and the end of lockdowns, draconian restrictions and vaccine mandates. Groups gather every Wednesday at 6pm, not…
Alexander Tschugguel Details Austria’s Terrifying Covid Tyranny
Alexander Tschugguel shares the terrifying covid tyranny coming out of Austria and the resistance movement that’s fighting against it. (RealAmericasVoice/Rumble) The Rosary is a strong, meditative prayer based on events in the Gospel. Throughout history people have been praying the rosary to fend off enemies, in moments of great need, for their families and for…
Huge Fines and Jail Coming for Unvaxxed Austrians
Direct from Austria, Alexander Tschugguel gives us the latest on Europe’s most extreme covid tyranny. (Lifesitenews/Rumble)
Fatima Visionary, Lucia, Predicted Satan’s Intention to Destroy Humanity With ‘Virus’ and ‘Chemicals’
In the archdiocesan shrine of St Therese of the Child Jesus, in Lahug, Philippines, a Catholic priest shares his private knowledge of people who had been vaccinated. He also remembers what Sister Lucia, a visionary from Fatima, said in an audience in 1994: ‘On the second quarter of the new millennium, Satan will destroy the…