Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Maybe There’s Hope After All?
By Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D. How not to win the masses to the cause of truth Just recently another person died in close proximity to having received the covid jab. As can be expected, we on the freedom front here in New Zealand were unanimous in our horror at yet another needless death, and certain…
Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in Schools Across USA and Canada
By Dr William Maiks MD There truly seems to be an epidemic of sudden deaths in schools across USA and Canada recently. Here are the most recent tragic cases: Jena, LA – 15 year old Jena High School student Kameron Shelton died in class at 11am on April 18, 2023 (click here) Milwaukee, WI –…
A Spike in Mysterious Deaths – Why Are Young People Suddenly Dropping Dead Worldwide?
Shocking statistics have insurers on Wall Street alarmed. Edward Dowd says it’s time for a national discussion over the latest threat to American’s health. (CBN News/YT) See also: Stop the Death Jab The Ongoing Democide – 2053 Reported Deaths in the UK Introduction to the book Cause Unknown by Edward Dowd: What is killing healthy…
The Silence Is Very Disturbing
The silence is VERY disturbing (Richard Vobes/YT): Katie on Died Suddenly (NO Sugar Added/Bitchute): Young Hearts Part 30 – A Narrative Shift has begun (Checkur6/Bitchute): See also: Stop the Death Jab Died Suddenly – Full Documentary 90 Canadian Doctors Have Now ‘Died Suddenly’ ‘Sudden Deaths’ – Not Only Among Athletes – Musicians Too What can…
Covid Jabs Have Erased 25 Years of Health Gains
By Joseph Mercola Forget Covid, excess deaths have now taken off to a far greater degree than at the height of the pandemic – especially for this age group, where deaths soared by 40% in the third quarter of 2021. Americans lost nearly three years of life expectancy between 2020 and 2021. In 2019, the…
MP Andrew Bridgen: The Vaccine Roll-Out Must Be Suspended
Now the BMJ’s Journal of Medical Ethics confirm vaccine causes more harm than benefit to younger people. The roll out must be suspended and children must not be put at risk through these experimental mRNA treatments. — Andrew Bridgen (@ABridgen) December 29, 2022 Andrew Bridgen: “Now the BMJ’s Journal of Medical Ethics confirm vaccine…
What’s Going to Happen in 2023?
By Dr Vernon Coleman. Below is the transcript for Coleman’s video published here. It’s the end of 2022 and this is video 319. If you’ve watched all 319 you can give yourself a pat on the back – but if you are in the UK, please don’t dislocate anything as you do so because there…
How Many More Vax Injured/Deaths Does it Need for Everyone to Wake Up?
Check out our latest book exposing the great lies: Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil Flight attendant dies of a heart attack while in the air: Gulf Air jet makes emergency landing while en route from Bahrain to Paris Air steward Yasser Saleh Al Yazidi was taken ill on a Gulf Air flight last week.…