Sajid Javid

Monkey Pox – The Next Planned ‘Pandemic’?

It appears that western governments and media are running with what Bill Gates foreshadowed as ‘the next pandemic’. This latest ‘zoonotic’ sensation appears to be the obscure and exotic monkeypox virus, which has already grabbed the headlines, as members of the embryonic global government confab, the G7, are already throwing hundreds of millions in public

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Don’t Give Jab to Children – It’s Unjustifiable and Dangerous

Use this template letter/email to stop children receiving an injection that could put their health at risk, cause infertility or even lead to death. MHRAUKHSAJCVISajid Javid10 Downing Street I am writing following the announcement of the policy ‘offer’ to vaccinate children aged 5-11 with the covid vaccines. There is no justifiable case for this. For

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Angered Tories Corner Javid on ‘Socialist, Unnecessary Rules’: Do not Restrict Liberty!

A Conservative MP from Yorkshire has demanded to know why his constituents should follow new Covid rules after an alleged party in Downing Street last Christmas. Speaking during a debate on the announcement of the Plan B measures in Parliament, Shipley MP Philip Davies blamed Health Secretary Sajid Javid: “Today he comes with his latest

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Angry Responses to Plan B

The shift to the coronavirus Plan B is an attempt to “buy time” to avoid the threat of a million Omicron infections by the end of the year, Sajid Javid said as he fought back against Tory anger over the measures. The Health Secretary defended the sudden shift in the Government’s approach to tackling the

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