Special Offer for White Rose Subscribers – Upcoming London Event
Announcement from the organisers of the upcoming event Society – Controlled or Free? Tess Lawrie of the World Council for Health will now be part of the line-up of amazing speakers at the ‘Society: Controlled or Free?’ event on April 11th! More featured speakers are: Andrew Bridgen MP, Sandi Adams (UN expert), Scot McCollough (Lead…
They Are Stealing our Land!
Sandi Adams spoke at Glasonbury Town Council a year ago and sent ripples of panic across the internet alerting us to dangerous WEF plans for our future. Sandi joins me again to update us on the corporate take over of land in this country and the world. (Richard Vobes/YT) Society – Controlled or Free? London…
I Use Cash All the Time
A response by a reader to ‘Don’t kill cash’ Do you really think that the elderly and others are going to scan a code? Government and ministers are a tiny percentage of the population and in no way represent the desires of us people. They act like they think they should act (the money helps).…
Croatian Weekly Interview With Margaret Anna Alice
By Margaret Anna Alice After being on the questioning end of Dissident Dialogues interviews for luminaries such as CJ Hopkins and Meredith Miller, I switched roles for this written interview conducted by Vanja Vinković on behalf of Croatian Weekly (Hrvatski Tjednik), an ad-free, print-only publication he describes as “the most-read newspaper in Croatia.” Vanja asked…
Sad Sick Society
Observations by Roy R M McIntosh Monday evening, just past around 21.15 hrs I was cycling past the Coop on Dalry Road, Edinburgh, when this savage fight took place. One fella looked like a drunk/junkie and other fella better dressed etc. Boy, did he give the drunk/junkie something to think about. Both were pushing and…
Bishop Schneider: ‘This Is Against the Human Dignity’
In this sit down interview, Bishop Schneider speaks to us about his perspective on the covid-19 lockdowns and what they represent for our future if we do not push back and claim our rights. He speaks about the covid-19 vaccines and if they are permitted to be taken. And finally, he discusses his family’s experience…