Solar Panels

  • Clean energy is a dirty business

    By Kristen Walker Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware of the massive push to transition to green energy. The goal is to have wind and solar replace coal and natural gas; the electric vehicle (EV) will supposedly replace internal combustion engines. Directives are coming from the highest office in the…

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  • The Uni-Party’s Net Zero utopia – Australia

    The government claims they’ll build 40 huge wind turbines every month, 22,000 solar panels every day and at least 10,000 kilometres of power lines – in less than 6 years. Despite their promises of a ‘net-zero’ utopia, they have no idea how many has even been built. As coal power stations are forced to shut…

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  • ‘Renewables’ cause UK electricity prices to rise continuously

    By Neil Record (The Telegraph) The Government has announced the results of the latest round of bids for renewable generation capacity. What does a ‘round of bids’ mean? The way the system currently works is unlike normal capital investment. In almost every other large capital project, investors take the risk of the price and demand…

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  • The Malvern Hills – Centralisation of Power

    We request that any further progress with the Private Bill is halted forthwith pending full and proper engagement with the stakeholders; the key stakeholder being the Precept payers (Levy payers) of Malvern. Plans to submit a Bill to Parliament for 27 November 2024 should cease with immediate effect. Sign the petition here. Malvern Environment Protection…

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  • Think You Really Own Your Property? Think Again

    Confected emergencies are being used to justify things that would never pass the pub test. Malcolm Roberts explains how the ‘climate emergency’ and Renewable Energy Hubs are being used to override your own property ownership for the sake of someone else’s agenda. (Malcolm Roberts/YT) Malcolm Robert’s talk on ‘green’ scam politics, useless CO2 restrictions and…

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