
White Rose T-Shirts Are Back!

With spring just around the corner, we are offering again white T-shirts with the White Rose UK logo ‘Defend Freedom, Defend Humanity’ for our supporters. For the price of £12 your T-shirt order will automatically include a small donation that supports our work. The T-shirt shown on the image is currently the only design available.

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Last T-Shirts

We have a tiny amount of white t-shirts, size M and a small amount of size L left which we are selling for a reduced price of £8, before we order a new batch. →The new batch will also contain black T-shirts and additional sizes. If you want to help the White Rose UK and

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T-Shirts on Sale

We have a limited amount of white t-shirts, sizes M and L, left. Before we order a new batch, these have to go! We are now offering them for a reduced price of £8. Please note, there are currently only white T-shirts and only sizes L and M. →The new batch will also contain black

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End of Summer: Last T-Shirts!

Summer is over, and we won’t be ordering anymore T-shirt batches at the moment; instead we’ll be offering hoodies/jumpers soon. However, you can still order T-shirts, as long as available. Please check to see if we still have T-shirts in your size: https://thewhiterose.uk/white-rose-t-shirts/   We offer two T-shirts, shown above, with the White Rose UK

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