The Guardian
Mask to Mask Learning – Children Back in School
Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott with the latest news from the UK Column. Topics in this video: 00:30 – Testing and Masks Recommended For Schools As Policy Becomes Law 03:00 – Young People With Learning Difficulties Offered DNR Notices 04:30 – Right Said Fred Prove Tap Water Has COVID-19 05:16 – Did The…
The Guardian’s Tweet Asking People to Tell About Their ‘Unvaccinated Loved Ones Lost to Covid-19’ Backlashes
The Guardian is fishing for stories of people who have lost their unvaccinated loved ones to covid. From their article: ‘We are looking to speak with the families of British people who died of Covid-19 and were unvaccinated. We’d like to find out more about the circumstances around their Covid vaccination choices. Perhaps your relative…