The Vigilant Fox
From the Horses Mouth: ‘Vaccines Are Unavoidably Unsafe’
RFK Jr. Reveals the Untold Truth Why Vaccines Have Liability Protections After getting sued heavily for the DTP vaccine, Wyeth (now Pfizer) went to the Reagan White House and demanded liability protections with the threat of getting out of the vaccine business. President Reagan asked Wyeth why they couldn’t make safer vaccines. And Wyeth answered…
Dr McCullough: The Covid Vaccines Are Causing the ‘Largest Blood Clots We’ve Ever Seen’
“My experience with these blood clots are they’re enormously resistant to blood thinners,” disclosed Dr. Peter McCullough. “Wuhan spike protein is inside the blood clots, and it’s folding, forming what’s called amyloid structures.” “They [researchers] found astronomical rates of blood clots in the retinal arteries and retinal veins in those vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.…