The White Rose – Defending Freedom

White Rose T-Shirts Are Back!

With spring just around the corner, we are offering again white T-shirts with the White Rose UK logo ‘Defend Freedom, Defend Humanity’ for our supporters. For the price of £12 your T-shirt order will automatically include a small donation that supports our work. The T-shirt shown on the image is currently the only design available.

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Recommended Books

Suppport our work by purchasing any of the following books. Many thanks! If you would like to donate, please click here. The Big Bad Wolf and the Syringe When Henflu breaks out in Henton, Sly Fox and Big Bad Wolf come to the rescue… but can the hens of Henton trust the wolf’s ‘miracle cure’?

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White Rose Books

The Freedom Book Over 50 poems, short stories and essays from 36 authors of various backgrounds. The texts in Freedom! encourage you to stand up, believe in life, defend your rights and your children’s and grandchildren’s future. (Published 2021) Buy here   The White Rose Book In this book, the founder of the White Rose

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