Universal Basic Income

  • Former Universal Credit Agent Reveals Truth about Shocking Processes Behind the Benefit

    I’ve worked as a customer service agent for the last few years, the last year on UC helpline. The inhumane processes I saw while I was there were nothing short of despicable. In this series of videos, I’m going to reveal the truth behind the processes and what we can do to move forward. I…

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  • Socialist Universal Basic Income Trialled In the UK

    Socialist ‘Universal Basic Income’ Comes to UK (Mahyar Tousi/YT): A universal basic income of £1,600 a month is to be trialled in England for the first time in a pilot programme. Thirty people will be paid a lump sum without conditions each month for two years and will be observed to understand the effects on…

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  • Social Credit Nightmare on Your Street

     Transcript: It’s June 2022 and this is video number 311. Politicians, journalists, social scientists, masochists and communists talk about social credit as if it were a ‘good thing’. ‘I don’t know what all the fuss is about,’ said one. ‘It won’t be so bad. In fact, if you behave yourself it will be a…

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  • UK Parliament to Debate Universal Basic Income

    The UK Parliament will debate universal basic income on 15 June at 4.30 pm. The theme is the potential merits of a universal basic income. (See here: https://whatson.parliament.uk/event/cal38883) As this is now being made a subject of discussion, we should not cease asking questions. What’s behind the nice sounding idea of free money for all?…

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