Vicit Leo

  • Clash Between People and Deep State in Italy

    Some years ago Italy was chosen by the global powers-that-be to become a social laboratory where the Great Reset would be tested and fine-tuned before being fully unleashed upon the world.In the words of Monsignor Carlo Maria Viganò, “Italy is a testing ground for the experiments of social engineering that the globalist agenda intends to…

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  • Resistance in Italy – the WHO Must be Removed

    In April 2020, through Carlo Taormina, Roberto Fiore and Pierfrancesco Belli, Vicit Leo organised a conference entitled ‘Delenda WHO’ (remove the WHO). The theme of the conference, which was totally unprecedented and radical and set out a few weeks after the start of covid-19, made it clear that the great health crisis stemmed from the…

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  • Complaint Issued at Court of Rome against WHO

    Criminal Complaints filed with the Court of Rome against World Health Organization and the Italian Health Minister Back in July 2020 Vincit Leo launched a press conference in Rome which was called ‘Delenda OMS’ (The WHO Must Be Destroyed). The press conference featured leading Italian lawyers, scientists, politicians, and a pre-prepared statement from Monsignor Carlo…

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