
Say NO – Please Share Now!

The government and mass media are now obtrusively spreading more propaganda for the covid jab and omicron, while covering up severe adverse reactions and thousands of deaths resulting from covid injections. Download image and PDF for sharing—see below. Why doctors, professors, scientists, microbiologists and virologists are saying NO to the jab: What’s the Covid Jab

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Switzerland: Blood Analysis After Covid Vaccination

Dr Armin Koroknay graduated in pharmacy and biology, with specializations in toxicology, genetics, immunobiology, tumor biology, medical microbiology, virology, neurobiology, anthropology. He is the author of numerous academic publications. (srmgin/Bitchute) Some parts of the video are in French, but Armin Koroknay speaks in English about his research. The blood analysis shows that blood clotting occurs

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