
  • Is the US government using weather modification technology to support hurricanes?

    Is The Government manipulating Hurricane Milton? With Dane Wigington (Kap Chatfield/YT): The devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene across the American South has prompted many uncomfortable questions, including whether the government is running an “October Surprise” to help Kamala Harris win the presidency. That people wonder about such things is because they can’t help but notice…

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  • Mismanaged wildfires are being weaponized to scare the public into climate hysteria

    Wildfires are, at least seemingly, becoming not only more and more frequent but also alarmingly catastrophic. While there are some experts who say that, at least on a global scale, it is merely media coverage of fires that has increased and not the actual area of fire destruction, the apparent frequency in the western part…

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  • How the Met Office and BBC Try to Fool Us All

    As we all shiver in the autumnal weather during what is meant to be summer and some of us have even turned our central heating back on or continued using our winter duvets, there is one certainty – in a few weeks time, the good folk at Met Office and the BBC will tell us…

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  • The Truth About Chemtrails From Pilots

    The skies are awash with unusual trails in the skies. Confirmation comes from two commercial pilots who know what is happening from close quarters. (Richard Vobes/YT) Geo-engineering Watch A Multi-Dimensional War on Humanity Is Enabled by Corrupt Governments Met Office Admits Spraying Skies Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson: Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped Cloud…

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  • Some People Have Discovered Something Terrifying About the Climate

    By Jenna McCarthy A team of laypersons announced today that the earth’s climate is not completely static. That’s right. While many people have long thought that atmospheric conditions remain unchanged day after day and year after year, despite their own observations and experiences and access to the internet and the Encyclopedia Britannica before that, explosive…

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  • Met Office Admits Spraying Skies

    We all know it is happening now, but the Met Office put a nice spin on the danger. (Richard Vobes/YT) Injecting the sky – Met Office confirm Geoengineering: Injecting the Atmosphere with Aerosols Met Office: Expanding the Earth’s albedo through the process of cloud seeding involves the introduction of light-reflecting particles, like aluminium, barium,…

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  • Government Schemes Hell-bent on Destroying UK Farming

    Farmers warn 18 months of rain means farms are going to fail. What are we going to eat…? Many farms may be unable to survive after rainy 18 months. Farmers in Worcestershire have been plagued by wet weather at a time when their confidence is at an all-time low. (Geoff Buys Cars/YT) The Corruption of…

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  • Jacob Rees Mogg and Three Climate Zealots

    I found the Rees-Mogg GBnews programme so upsetting I have had to vent my anger on it by exposing the total rubbish being aired on TV by ignorant climate zealots. (Climate Realism by Paul Burgess/YT) Farming Under Threat – What We’re Facing and How to Fix It Dr. Matthew Wielicki: I Refuse to Stay Silent…

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  • The Rain Is Deliberate!

    Geoengineering a famine: They are targeting farmers for a great famine, that why it is raining so much in England at the moment – at least that is what I think. (Richard Vobes/YT) Check out the great plug for the Freedom Mag at the end of Richard’s video! Here’s another mention…! Operation Indigo Skyfold –…

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  • Electric Cars Are a Joke and Dangerous

    I nearly died and froze to death! The Evil truth about electric cars, snow, ice and Arctic conditions! This is a true story of how I got stuck in a Snow Storm in my Porsche Taycan Electric Car. The motor manufacturers and the government do not tell you about the pitfalls and drawbacks of owning…

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