Winston Smith
New Zealand Whistleblower Raided by Police
Journalist Liz Gunn releases an official statement advising the NZ Ministry of Health Whistleblower and person working with him have both been raided by police. Liz Gunn reports police are still surrounding the Whistleblowers’ home after several hours following the raid. Gunn calls for the New Zealand government to call off this tyrannical response and…
Mother of All Revelations – Data On New Zealand’s Excess Deaths
The crucial data On New Zealand’s excess deaths from the Covid jabs. (FreeNZ Media/Rumble) Liz Gunn – The NZ Mother of All Revelations is About to Crush Covid Crimes New Zealand: Tens of Thousands of Deaths Linked to the Jabs New Zealand Party – Loyal to You, Not to Them We speak with…
Orwell’s Dystopian Novel ‘1984’ Compared to Today
By T J Martin “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” Winston Smith [main protagonist] is an anachronism, first entering the public consciousness in 1949 with the publication by George Orwell of his seminal work 1984.1 Poor, sad Winston embodied Orwell’s fictional glimpse into a dark dystopia, then…