While it has a harsh odour on the body, it is definitely one of God’s great protein-eating herbs. It specializes in killing foreign matter such as worms and noxious bacteria and, of course, mRNA toxins. About two or three raw cloves of garlic should do the job. Yet, a heavy load of worms or exposure to mRNA may necessitate larger amounts, like six or more cloves a day. Cooking neutralizes much of this foreign protein-killing power. Yet, any form of this herb is somewhat protective, whether cooked, the salt, or the powder. Garlic contains sulfhydryl groups, which bind to and detoxify noxious proteins and heavy metals.
An allium family cousin to garlic, onion has much of the same properties. It, too, eats away at foreign matter, and being rich in sulphur compounds helps bind to harmful protein molecules, so they can be detoxified. Its acridness is a profound aid to the fight against any epidemic disease. Onion is a top source of quercetin in a biological form, which is highly regarded as an anti-covid therapy. The quercetin content is highest in red onions and is most rich in sprouted onion powder. Onion and garlic powder, in general are found in crude wild oregano capsules with rhus Coriaria.
A strong spice, cumin seed and especially its oil are strong agents against foreign protein, especially dangerous bacteria and moulds. In all its forms it is an essential natural medicine against man-made injection toxicity. The spice can be added to all soups and stir-fry, while the oil in an olive oil base can be purchased separately. It is also a key component in a number of multiple spice oil supplements, capsules which contain oil of wild oregano among other spice oils.
Wild oregano
Of all agents for destroying man-made GMO-based poisons wild oregano is the king. It is also the premier substance for neutralizing foreign, obnoxious, and dangerous proteins, including those contracted from vaccinations. In particular, the oil is highly aggressive against all that is foreign, as if it is designed to protect the human body from all dangers. This is particularly true of vaccine-related toxins. For instance, the spike protein, coded for in the current mRNA shots, is rapidly decimated by wild oregano oil. Other potent oregano oil-based supplements include the sinus-oregano oil-saline spray, the multi-source oil capsules, and the bay leaf oil-wild oregano oil beeswax emulsion. It is also available as a powder for sprinkling on food with rhus coriaria and also as the crude herb in capsule form. In all its forms wild oregano acts as a detoxification agent, greatly aiding liver function while also cleansing the intestines. The herb is also exceedingly high in nutrients, especially magnesium, niacin, and vitamin K. Of note, wild oregano is listed as the cleansing herb of the law in biblical lore.
Wild sage
A herb with a multiplicity of benefits wild sage is known to be a nutrient-rich complex with high amounts of calcium and vitamin K. Loaded with antioxidants it aids in the cleansing of any foreign toxin and is an effective natural medicine for lung, brain, and oral health. It is also a key agent to protect the female organ system from hormonal disturbances, which is a definite arena of toxicity from mRNA exposure. The key with sage is to be sure it is wild from a Mediterranean high-mountain source and not farm-raised. It is available in multiple spice oil formulas and separately as a hydrosol essence and also the oil in extra virgin olive oil.
Papaya and its seeds
When there is aberrant matter in the body the need for digestive or proteolytic enzymes is tantamount. This up the value of this fruit, rich in the enzyme papain. The fresh flesh should be consumed, as should be the seeds. The flesh can be consumed directly or cut up and put on salads. The seeds can be made into a peppery salad dressing by bleeding them with olive oil and vinegar.
This is also caustic to unnatural protein, especially the oil. However, any form of this spice is protective, including the commercial powder. The best quality spice is from Ceylon and is available as powder or capsules, occasionally as sticks. Otherwise, most cinnamon is actually cassia, which is a Chinese species. Both offer strong cleansing powers against foreign matter.
Clove bud
Use this eugenol-rich spice as either the whole, unprocessed bud oil in an extra virgin olive oil base or as the whole flower buds. It is also available as a bulk powder. Clove bud has the powder to dissolve foreign matter, much like oregano and cinnamon. It is also a potent agent against fatty invaders, like propylene glycol, ethylene glycol, and liposomes.
Wild bay leaf
Studies at Georgetown University show that wild bay leaf oil, also derived from the mountain-grown spice, is one of the most potent germ-killing oils known. It is found as the dried leaf and also as a separate oil in extra virgin olive oil. Wild bay leaf oil is a key component of the beeswax wild oregano oil emulsion and also the wild oregano oil-based antiseptic throat and room spray.
Raw lemon and the rind
For most people it is almost impossible to consume a raw lemon, especially with the rind. To suck on one takes some great strength. People should consume this cleansing and antiseptic citrus fruit on a regular, ideally, daily basis. Add it to all beverages and smoothies. Juice it, rind and all, using only organic fruit sources for this purpose. Rather than man-made supplements it is these which must be the focus. With their burning powers they will protect us against vaccine-shedding dangers. Commercially-available supplements, including vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, and vitamin D, can’t compare.
Read also ‘What to Do if Already Vaccinated?’