Tests Using Up to 45 Cycles Lead to a Flood of False Positives

The best expert evidence is that the risk from Covid is similar to the risk from influenza. Many experts are now saying that Covid is simply a rebranding of influenza and colds, supported by PCR testing that was never intended as a diagnostic tool. The WHO says that PCR testing should not be used beyond 20-25 cycles. OIA responses indicate that in NZ PCR tests use up to 45 cycles, which simply multiplies any contamination. (Lawyer Sue Grey, New Zealand)

A resident of Scotland, who made a Freedom of Information request, asking how many cycles the NHS is using on the Covid tests, received the following answer:


A further comment from another reader who’s concerned about the health risk from the swab:

I went to a concert, however, before going, a negative test was required for entrance.

Instead of putting the swab down my throat or nose, which I am not prepared to do, I found a simple alternative. I just used saliva (spit) in a bowl so the swab came nowhere near my body. The result was negative.

This may well be useful to your readers to know, especially as I understand the swab should not come near our bodies.