The Case Inna Zhvanetskaya – Forced Covid Vaccination

The good news in advance: the almost 86-year-old Ukrainian Jewess Inna Zhvanetskaya, who survived the Holocaust as a child, was brought to a safe place by activists and therefore could not be force-vaccinated until now. Everything else that can or must be reported about this case is bad, because it demonstrates: in the country of the Shoah, some descendants of the perpetrators have learned little or nothing.

Attorney Holger Fischer got the case rolling. He reported about it in his Telegram channel, contacted Masha Orel, a co-founder of “We for Humanity”, who in turn contacted Report24. First, Report24 asked the court for an opinion on Sunday, January 8, 2023. This came on Monday and stated dryly and factually on what basis the deprivation of liberty measures as well as the compulsory medical treatment were ordered and that a complaint was pending (that of attorney Fischer).

On January 10, 2023, Report24 went public with a report and a video. “We for Humanity” also contacted the court with an appeal. On the same day, the employees of the care service succinctly informed that Ms. Zhvanetskaya would have to sign the work assignments finally, no more would be needed, as Ms. Zhvanetskaya would be picked up the next day. The supervisor would be there.

Numerous well-known activists and lawyers reacted and a wave of solidarity was set off. Because one thing is clear: only a broad public reaction can protect the old lady, who lives in Stuttgart, from a forced psychiatric treatment and a forced vaccination in Germany.

According to the verdict of judge Dr. L. at the district court Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, the accommodation of the affected person in the closed ward of a psychiatric hospital or a closed ward of a care facility was approved by the duty caregiver until December 5, 2024 at the latest. At the same time, two vaccinations against Covid-19 (Corona) for basic immunization were approved as compulsory medical measures, in each case after internal examination of the ability to vaccinate, until January 16, 2023 at the latest, with the consent of the duty caregiver.

The judgment further states that the forced vaccination against Covid-19 against the will of the person concerned in the context of the accommodation was necessary for the welfare of the person concerned in order to avert an imminent significant damage to her health.

Inna Zhvanetskaya had not been convinced of the necessity of this medical measure, on the contrary. She strictly rejected the vaccination. Therefore, the judge found that the substantial health damage could not be averted by any other measure reasonable for the person concerned, since the expected benefit of the medical measure would substantially outweigh the expected impairment of the person concerned.

Read the full article here:

Music composed by Inna Zhvanetskay:

See also:

Lyrics for Shalom Aleichem – Peace Be With You here: