The Nuremberg Code (“Code”) contains the standards to which medical practitioners must conform when carrying out medical experiments on humans. It is accepted worldwide and the principles it established have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.
The first basic principle of the Code is fully informed and voluntary consent, and states, “the duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.”
The experimental Covid-19 injections are in clear violation of all ten principles of the Code and a growing list of medical practitioners, scientists and lawyers worldwide are calling out these violations, below is a mere few of such individuals:
- The Corona Investigative Committee has been calling out the “Covid-19 Scandal” since September 2020;
- a complaint was filed with the International Criminal Court at the Hague (“ICC”) concerning violations of the Code by the Israeli government and others;
- Dr. Peter Breggin wrote a report which concluded: “Under the principles of the Nuremberg Code, as well as general medical ethics which it reflects, the government should be prohibited from experimenting on its citizens with Covid-19 vaccines;”
- a request for investigation of the UK Government and its advisers for genocide, crimes against humanity and breaches of the Code was submitted to the ICC;
- an application was made to the ICC concerning genocide and crimes against humanity, as well as war crimes against civilians, and violations of the Code and the Helsinki Declaration committed by the governments of Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Poland;
- a rebuttal letter to the European Medicines Agency (“EMA”) from Doctors for Covid Ethics stated, the Code “prohibits human experimentation of the very kind being endorsed and defended by the EMA;”
- Dr. Richard Fleming who has conducted extensive research on the spike protein encoded in the Covid-19 injections stated, “Those telling people to get the jabs … should be put on trial for committing crimes against humanity and for violating the Biological Weapons Convention and the Nuremberg Code which forbids medical experimentation without informed consent;”
- an open letter to various UK authorities from an NHS doctor stated, “The Code’s origin in the Nazi Doctors’ Trial heightens concern that it is currently being violated by our state health system and its registered doctors and nurses;” and,
- a UK lawyer served Notices of Liability on COVID-19 clinics and individuals administering the Covid-19 injections without obtaining fully informed consent, freely given in accordance with the Code and UK and International law.