The Ongoing Democide – 2053 Reported Deaths in the UK

The UK Column website has an integrated Yellow Card analysis interactive chart. The data originate from the Government’s own reporting system of the MHRA.

The chart shows the number of reported adverse reactions and fatalities following the covid injection.

In the drop-down, you can select or enter a specific illness and product to get accurate data.

These reports only show 1-10% of all adverse reactions in the UK, as a large number go unreported. Many people are unaware of the Yellow Card reporting system or are not encouraged to report an adverse reaction.

  • Total adverse reactions reported: 1,468,926
  • Total fatalities reported: 2,053


Report run date: 03/03/2022

Definition of ‘democide’ according to Collins English dictionary:

The killing of members of a country’s civilian population as a result of its government’s policy, including by direct action, indifference, and neglect.

Edward Dowd on Future Recession, Shocking Findings in the CDC Covid Data, and Democide (Bannons War Room/Rumble):

Covid vaccines are causing excess mortality in all age groups. CDC’s own data shows 84% increase of death rate in 25-44 age-group. With 61,000 excess deaths, “this generation just experienced a Vietnam War”.