The World Health Organisation has planned for 10 years of infectious diseases – from 2020 to 2030.
After two years of psychological warfare tormenting the global population under the guise of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more critically-thinking people are beginning to awaken to the realization that the Corona panic is a scam.
That’s the good news.
Many have successfully put the puzzle pieces together and clearly see that the pandemic was a carefully orchestrated, masterfully executed series of events that are part of a much bigger plan – to usher in unprecedented control over humanity.
The bad news is that despite the mounting evidence supporting the validity of the above statements, many people remain under the spell of government propaganda and dismiss such claims as far-fetched conspiracy theories.
However, this recently released video provides indisputable evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic was planned and part of an evil agenda.
You will see shocking evidence that this pandemic was planned and abundantly announced right before it happened.
Download the documents referenced in The Plan video on the website and share them far and wide.
Be sure to help your friends and family learn the facts they will never hear from mainstream media channels. (Wake Up to Reality/Stop World Control/Brighteon)