Thor’s Island – Reclaiming Land for Christendom

By Fr Calvin Robinson

You may have read in the papers last month that an Islamist extremist hate-preacher attempted to purchase a Scottish island to set up a military-style training camp for Jihadis.

Thankfully, the owner refused to sell. Why this convicted terrorist was given asylum in the United Kingdom in the first place is beyond me.

In what you could call a Holy Spirit moment, I felt inspired to snap the land up for Christendom instead. Why sit around and tweet about the ‘religion of peace’ taking over our land when we can do something about it? It is time we became more proactive as Christians. So, I launched a crowdfund to do just that. I figured I have a decent number of followers; if we all chipped in £5/$5, we would have enough to buy the island with money left over for improvements.

So, we are buying an island for the Crusade! Here is a short video I put together about the idea:

Torsa, roughly translated as “Thor’s island”, is available for sale for the first time in 85 years. It is a beautiful island northwest of Glasgow – a real gem in the British Isles, highlighting the marvel of God’s creation.

This is our opportunity to restore the Celtic Cross to its rightful place.

It is fairly easy to get to the island from Glasglow. Ironically, there is a dinghy from the mainland to the island. The island is 113 hectares, 280 acres, or half a square mile, and is part of Loch Sween Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area.

The land has a three-bedroom property that is ready to be used immediately. The plan is to convert it into a Christian retreat centre.

There is also a range of traditional stone farm buildings already on the island. These are in a dilapidated state and in need of repair. By renovating these buildings, we could provide a retreat for Christians without the need to build new properties, thus preserving the beautiful environment. One of them could be converted into a chapel, the others into additional accommodation and halls, whilst keeping in-line with the original character of the island.

Regarding donations: If we do not raise enough funds to purchase the property in some way, all donations will be returned to sender.

We are hoping to raise £1.5m to buy Torsa. Any additional donations will go into renovating the dilapidated properties on the island. We have raised well over £100k so far (in real money, not pledges), all from small donations—no big patrons have been approached yet.

Please keep us in your prayers. Money is helpful; prayer is necessary. FYI, there is roughly $1.28 dollars to £1 pound.

Regarding ownership: The property will be placed into a Trust to ensure it is kept in good keeping and for the use of Christians for generations to come.

Regarding use: We will set up a retreat centre for Christians, a place away from our busy day-to-day lives, where we can spend time in God’s beautiful creation. We find God in the silence, away from the hubbub of modernity. Torsa will become a place to spend time with Him and remind ourselves we are called to be in the world but not of the world.

We will host daily worship services of Morning and Evening Prayer (Matins and Vespers).

It would be wonderful to expand this into a religious community/monastery in the future, with monks growing local produce and producing alcoholic beverages for Britons, as in times gone by.

This was originally published on Fr Calvin Robinson’s substack. View the full article here.