I haven’t written political letters in a long time because, frankly, I no longer believe in political solutions.
I don’t believe in politicians, I don’t believe in political parties, and I don’t believe in any other aspect of the political clownsh*t show we are commanded to fix our eyes, minds, and hearts on while the philanthropaths, cruelites, WEFfers, corporations, organizations, governments, agencies, tyrants, kapos, and colluders are ramrodding through their bipartisan blueprints for our totalitarian enslavement behind the circus curtain.
That’s why I call myself politically agnostic. I’ve freed my mind of the ingroup/outgroup cognitive biases used to menticide, manipulate, and cleave us into perforated binaries we aren’t supposed to think outside of let alone tear up altogether.
What I do believe in is people—both as individuals and as groups of individuals with shared values and purpose rising up in a bombora of love against injustice, tyranny, and democide.
And that is why I’m asking you to join me in voicing our opposition to REAL ID, which is the United States version of papers-please digital ID.
Naturally, they’ve only given Americans until October 15, 2024, in the midst of what may be the most thermonuclear election in US history to submit comments on the latest action related to REAL ID.
So what’s wrong with REAL ID? It’s just a convenient way of identifying yourself, right?
Yes, it’s convenient.
It’s also unconstitutional, tyrannical, an infringement on our privacy, a threat to our freedom, a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and a digital prison—especially when combined with biometric surveillance, AI, facial recognition technology, and the global panopticon the technocrats have gotten the inmates to build as Andre describes in My Dinner with Andre:
“I think that New York is the new model for the new concentration camp, where the camp has been built by the inmates themselves, and the inmates are the guards, and they have this pride in this thing that they’ve built—they’ve built their own prison—and so they exist in a state of schizophrenia where they are both guards and prisoners. And as a result, they no longer have—having been lobotomized—the capacity to leave the prison they’ve made or even to see it as a prison.”
The San Francisco Chronicle article titled “Boycott Real ID: It’s Not Worth Surrendering Your Privacy” lays it out clearly:
“Do you love your freedoms?
“Then defy your state and national governments—and refuse to get a Real ID…
“Such requirements may sound like they boost security, but the opposite is true. New security risks are created when people submit more identification into databases searchable by a government already surveilling our calls and digital communications. Real ID provides new ways for hackers and terrorists to steal our identities, and for governments to discriminate against us.
“By tying Real ID to travel within the country, the American government is creating an ‘internal passport’ of the sort that oppressive regimes (like North Korea) use to limit their people’s freedom of movement, and to create distinct classes of citizens…
“With state governments—including, disgracefully, California’s—encouraging people to get Real IDs, the best defense is defiance. If enough Americans opt out, Real ID can’t become the standard…
“Defiance isn’t easy, but it’s the best strategy we have. And it’s necessary, because Real ID is incompatible with life in a free society.”
(Excerpt from an article first published on ‘Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass’ and kindly sent to us by the author for re-publishing. View the full article here.)
- Action alert: Stop REAL ID
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