- Midazolam is a commonly used drug in palliative care, think of it as diazepam on steroids.
- Midazolam is also a drug that has been used in executions by lethal injection in the USA.
- UK regulators state that you should only receive midazolam in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops.
- This is because Midazolam can cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.
- At the start of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic Matt Hancock ordered a two year supply of Midazolam and then went back to France for more.
- This was confirmed in a parliamentary committee meeting which included Hancock, Professor Van Tam, and Tory MP; Dr Luke Evans, who said a “good death” needs three things, one of those things being Midazolam.
- At the same time Hancock and the Government changed the law on the certification of deaths under the guise of the coronavirus act.
- And the law on cremations; removing the need for a confirmatory medical certificate.
- And the law on indemnity for health service activity.
- And the law on visiting loved ones in care homes; which was banned.
- April and May 2020 saw a huge spike in deaths occurring in care homes, many were attributed to Covid-19.
- In late 2020 the Care Quality Commission found 34% of Health and Social Care workers said they had felt pressured to place ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ orders on care home residents without informing the resident or their loved ones.
- An Amnesty report also found the blanket use of DNR orders in Care homes.
- The two-year supply of Midazolam purchased at the beginning of the alleged pandemic was gone by October.
- What happened to all of the Midazolam?
(Source for text: The Exposé)