Vax Injured: How Many More Have to Die?

On the UK Column website you can find an integrated Yellow Card analysis interactive chart. The data originate from the Government’s own reporting system of the MHRA.

The chart shows the number of reported adverse reactions and fatalities following a covid injection.

In the drop-down, you can select or enter a specific illness and product to get accurate data.

These reports only show 1-10% of all adverse reactions in the UK, as a large number go unreported. Many people are unaware of the Yellow Card reporting system or are not encouraged to report an adverse reaction.

  • Total adverse reactions reported: 1,475,298
  • Total fatalities reported: 2,075


Report run date: 24/03/2022

Figures show Boosted Individuals more Vulnerable to Covid Infection and Hospitalisation than Unvaccinated (New Zealand)

The public are beginning to work it out for themselves through personal experience—even if you are boosted, you can catch Covid and it can be serious in some cases. There is also a growing reluctance to accept booster shots and second child vaccinations. Our government is desperately countering this by telling us that the unvaccinated are worse off and we are all in dire peril unless we get boosted. Grant Dixon’s video shows that the reverse is true. The government should know this.

Either we are being deliberately and criminally misled or our government, the Ministry of Health, and their chosen scientific advisors are completely incompetent. Take your pick.

This week former MP Matt King and I invited one prominent NZ scientist, who is often quoted in the media, to an independently moderated publicly broadcasted debate on the above topics. He replied:

“While I am happy to outline the scientific evidence around vaccine efficacy and safety to the public (and have done so on a number of occasions over the past year to various audiences), I do not think a debate, whether live or pre-recorded, is likely to be a productive forum for communicating the science.”

The New Zealand public is quite able to make up its mind if it is allowed to hear the rational arguments. How long will mainstream media keep denying them this opportunity? Our government pandemic policy no longer deserves to be propped up and shielded. The scientific evidence is unequivocal.

(Read the full article by Dr Guy Hatchard:

Young Hearts Part 15 – and on it Goes – the Fallout Continues

Booster Bioweapon

See also: How Many People Are the Vaccines Killing? (Dr Vernon Coleman):

Kim Iversen: Latest Pfizer Vax Data Dump Shows Natural Immunity Works. ADE, Fertility Unknown (The Hill/YT)