Waterstones: What you can say to them

Some have reported that they are still waiting for their copy of The Green Cheat which they ordered through Waterstones.

There is quite a long process behind it, when ordering through Waterstones, as the books have to pass through various locations and distributors.

If you’re asking staff at Waterstones when the book will arrive, they might say it will take 10 days or so. Sometimes it may take even longer.

This is precisely why it would make sense to have the book in stock! No waiting needed – customers could buy instantly, and staff would get less pestered.

If they wanted things less complicated, they should have the book in stock. Let’s tell them!

Of course, there’s another great advantage: having the book in stock would mean that other customers, who enter the shop and have never heard of The Green Cheat, would get a chance to see it and read it.

Many thanks for all your efforts!