What you can write to Waterstones

Hurray! Looks like Waterstones has The Green Cheat now in stock online.

The next step is getting it into a physical shop. One way to try to make this happen, is by sending Waterstones an email or a letter.

Please find both email and post addresses for any Waterstones shop near you here: https://www.waterstones.com/bookshops/

You could write something like this, but feel free to use your own wording:


I would greatly appreciate it if the book ‘The Green Cheat’ would be in stock at Waterstones in [Name of place].

The book can be ordered on the Waterstones website here: https://www.waterstones.com/book/the-green-cheat/veronica-finch/9781068506901

Could you let me know when it is available at [Name of place] Waterstones?

Many thanks, [Name] 

The more requests, the more likely staff will realise that it might be worth having the book in stock rather than just online, where only a tiny percentage of people interested in books get to see it.

We need to reach the wider public with the messages in the book.

As the saying goes, constant dripping wears away the stone. Your bit could make a huge difference!

Thank you for all your efforts.

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