
  • Risk of Myocarditis Doubles With Each Vaccine Dose

    A study from the University of Oxford finds the risk of myocarditis doubles with each vaccine dose in men under 40 and is sharply higher than the risk from the coronavirus infection itself. “In an updated self-controlled case series analysis of 42,200,614 people aged 13 years or more, we evaluate the association between COVID-19 vaccination…

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  • British Heart Foundation Normalises Heart Failure in Young Athletes

    The British Heart Foundation recently released this deranged advertisement showing a young female football (soccer for the Americans) player collapsing on the field. The commercial begins with a very young boy dressing with a visible scar vertically down his chest. Sudden heart failure in children is not a normal occurrence — well, it wasn’t before…

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  • 341 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, 194 Dead, After Covid Shot

    It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a covid vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a…

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  • Doctor – I Am Blowing The Whistle

     The vaccines are causing an abnormal increase in myocarditis in young people. Video on Brandnewtube. This verified Australian emergency department doctor is so upset by the quantity and type of vaccine injuries he’s witnessed professionally, he’s risking his career by breaking the regulator’s imposed censorship of concerns. (ChrisF/Twitter) The government and mass media are…

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  • Dr Elizabeth Eads: ‘The Vaccine Is the Variant’

    Join Greg Hunter as he talks to 25 year veteran Dr. Elizabeth Eads, DO, who is continuing to expose the lies being told to the public about the deadly jabs. Dr. Eads will highlight the real unreported effects of the CV19 injections and tell you who is cashing in on all the pain and death.…

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  • Daily Mail Reports Jab Victim but Downplays Frequency of Deaths and Glorifies Vaccines

    The Daily Mail reports about one of many deaths caused by the covid vaccine: A fit and active 26-year-old man has mysterious died with fears he may have suffered fatal side effects 12 days after receiving Pfizer’s Covid vaccine. Rory James Nairn, 26, had heart palpitations for several days before collapsing to the floor of…

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  • Mandatory Vaccination Is Politically Motivated and Medically Executed Rape

    Dr Vernon coleman’s Wednesday Review – Episode Three Transcript: Hello, as I speak it’s the 24th November 2021. Today, I read that the World Health Organisation has warned that there could be half a million covid related deaths by the spring. Which means that covid is now less of a threat than one of those…

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  • FDA’s Own Pfizer Approval Document Suggests Myocarditis From Jab May Be Bigger Threat Than Covid

    By Daniel Horowitz They are not even trying to convince us any more. They are now using brute force to coerce us into covid fascism, including forced injections, so they have no need to even hide their false information. In Pfizer’s FDA briefing document prepared for the Oct. 25 meeting was an admission that even…

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