It costs £670 to run the White Rose UK newsletter for another year (this is without all the work and other expenses involved). UPDATE: We are not too far from that goal! A heartfelt thank you to all who have donated so far.
Our newsletter reaches thousands of readers in the UK and worldwide.
We offer the newsletter for free to our readers, but we depend on donations. The amount mentioned above is needed by 30 December 2022.
It would only take 67 people each donating £10, or 134 people each £5, to reach that goal so that we can continue to share vital information in the fight against the Great Reset and the depopulation plans of the globalists.
If you want to support us in the fight for freedom and truth, please donate here.
(If you wish to make a recurring donation, please go here:
Every donation, no matter how big or small, is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
- You can also support our work by purchasing books and other products here. (For example, check out our new book ‘Hope Amidst a Tsunami of Evil’ that exposes the great lies.)