Got Drugs?

By T.J. Martin

I believe in the rule of law. From its lofty concepts such as equal representation and presumption of innocence to its more mundane applications, the rule of law provides a sturdy, time-tested foundation for how we conduct our lives.

I respect the law and those, like peace officers, whose job it is to enforce it. I do not speed on the highway. I do not cheat on my taxes. I try to speak honestly and not to lie.

Why, then, do I feel like some sort of a scofflaw for simply wanting to purchase a bit of health insurance? Let me explain:

Overhearing the account of a brother-in-law’s 2021 Covid hospitalization certainly influenced my decision:

Isolated and distraught by lack of basic care and sanitation and despite being very ill, Richard rejected intubation and pleaded with his wife via telephone for rescue, stating, “I want out of here. They’re going to kill me!” Were it not for a heroic young nurse who intervened and argued for his discharge papers—before resigning her position—“they” might well have succeeded.

Recalling the words of a friend who, likewise, found the courage to resist prevailing medical advice further cemented my resolve. Seriously ill from a respiratory infection, Deb nevertheless “fired” her doctor and replaced him with someone who would treat her from home. “I was not going to die alone on a gurney in a hallway,” she recounts.

So with these less-than-sterling examples of modern medical “care” in mind, I decided to more fully stock my home medicine war chest with Ivermectin. Just in case.

Assuming that obtaining a prophylactic prescription for this safe, inexpensive, Nobel-prize winning miracle drug would be nigh to impossible, I turned to the Internet where, it seems, shady drug deals of this sort are made these days.

Rather than finding a dealer lurking on a dark street corner, I first found Ivermectin advertised on a website festooned in patriotic colors, touting freedom, and promising pure Ivermectin manufactured in India at a great price.

The devil, for me, was in the payment details as the site requested either crypto—of which I know nothing—or hard cold cash. Greenbacks. Stuffed in an unmarked envelope. Mailed out-of-state to an anonymous post office box.

As much as I would love to believe, to trust, I could not help wondering, “What could possibly go wrong?”

I continued my search.

I next found a similar site, sans the nationalism, and almost purchased my drugs. But the clandestine instructions I was advised to follow again gave me pause. When the payment screen displayed a name I could neither spell nor pronounce along with warnings to never mention “medicine” but rather to designate the payment for “herbals” unless it was over $250.00 US, in which case it was to be identified as “IT Services,” I pulled the plug on the deal. Too covert.

I resumed my search.

Finally I found a site offering both Ivermectin manufactured in a vetted Indian facility along with the option to pay via credit card. Even tracking information upon shipment was promised.

Had I finally found a source for my drugs?

Banking on the full might and power of my credit card company standing behind the stated terms, I boldly typed in contact and credit card information. One day later, I was informed that my contraband would be promptly shipped and delivered within a few weeks, just in time for the onset of flu season. Hopefully.

Hopefully I will never need this widely-suppressed miracle drug—nor will any members of my family. But, like health insurance, it will be there should the need arise.

I must question, though, why obtaining Ivermectin is so difficult when its safety and efficacy against viral infections have been well-established. Why have doctors, such as those of the FLCCC, who advocate its use been demeaned and censored? Why its Prohibition?

And so, like Richard and Deb, I decided to take matters into my own hands and hopefully avoid any need for the medical “care” to which they were subjected. Ivermectin, when delivered, will join the herbs, supplements, and antioxidants already part of my home medical arsenal.

Having this much-maligned drug readily available, in my opinion, corresponds to a higher law, one the medical establishment and “alphabet agencies” have failed to uphold and honor when “treating” Covid:

“Do No Harm.”

And so who truly are the scofflaws when it comes to Ivermectin? Those who withhold or those who skirt medical advice to provide what might save a life?

Sometimes, it would seem, one law must be bent or broken in order to keep a higher, more encompassing precept intact.

See also: