While the teenage son of basketball star LeBron James suffers a cardiac arrest, a Swiss study has found that COVID ‘vaccine’ heart injuries may be far more common than previously reported.
A new study has emerged that shows the incidence of myocarditis – a form of potentially fatal heart inflammation – affects up to 1 in 35 people who have received the mRNA COVID-19 injection – whilst markers which indicate heart injury were present in 1 in 20.
The study, titled “Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1237 Booster Vaccination,” was published in a journal of the European Society of Cardiology and has been described as meeting the gold standard of research.
Previously it was maintained by health authorities – such as the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) – that such injuries from the COVID “vaccines” affected only one in 666, or 1,500 cases in every million receiving the injections.
The claim that vaccine injury of any kind, including to the heart, is extremely rare is routinely repeated in the mainstream media, along with government health advice and guidance from the manufacturers themselves.
Read the full article here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/swiss-study-finds-that-covid-vaccine-heart-injury-up-to-20-times-more-common-than-previously-claimed/
See also:
- Swiss Study – Sex-specific differences in myocardial injury incidence after COVID-19 mRNA-1273 Booster Vaccination
- Stop the Death Jab
- Dr Robert Malone: Covid Jabs Were a CIA Operation to Depopulate the World
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