
  • Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up

    This film once again clearly shows how people are being brainwashed by TV and other media into believing whatever big pharma and the government want them to believe. Amazing parallels to what happened during con-vid. STATIN NATION: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up -Full Movie (Justin Smith/YT): We are told that cholesterol is a major cause of…

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  • Medical Articles Disappearing – The Great Cover-Up

    With so many people dead and injured from the covid mandates and injections, medical journals that published BS science to support the genocidal agenda, are scrubbing the record to hide their guilt. Here is a brief but important alert from Dr Scott Jensen, a long-time family physician, and former Minnesota State Senator for Carver County.…

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  • Oh, Really? MSM Reports Lockdown Effects Causing More Deaths than Covid

    Is the mainstream media finally coming out with the truth, albeit two years late? The Telegraph reports that: Unexplained excess deaths outstrip those from virus as medics call figures ‘terrifying’. The effects of lockdown may now be killing more people than are dying of Covid, official statistics suggest. Figures for excess deaths from the Office…

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  • Hall of Shame II – Lest we Forget…

    All of a sudden covid news has disappeared from all mainstream media headlines, and instead the war in Ukraine is being reported everywhere. Do you smell a rat? You’re probably right. Is the covid-jab injury cover-up starting to crumble and was something needed to distract from the guilt that is gradually surfacing? Are too many…

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