
Professor Exposes Occult Roots of the World Economic Forum

Pagan practices, idolatry, and occult beliefs have officially been exposed as the New World Religion pushed by the godless elites of the World Economic Forum—including Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Maurice Strong, and other anti-life Deep State actors. Now, LifeSiteNews expert global analyst Frank Wright and political strategist Dr. Mikko Paunio sound the alarm on

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Mask Wearing Part of an Occult Ritual Transformation to Initiate People Into a New Global Order

Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals. Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission… a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign. But there’s more. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is: A form

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